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Windmill Community Church Finchfield

St Thomas Church, Finchfield was closed over 20 years ago and had been vacant ever since. It had fallen into complete disrepair and substantial structural work was needed to save it and bring it back into use.


Despite this, we accepted this challenge and Windmill Community Church members willingly pro­vided the means to acquire the build­ing and thanks to very generous supporters we were able to raise enough funds to rebuild and restore St. Thomas Church which after construction and purchase has become Windmill Community Church


Progress of the Extension - June 2020
The building extension is now complete and we are very grateful for the gifts we have received from individuals and grant providers. This has enabled us to increase our community activities and hold several meetings at the same time. In addition to our many activities we are also planning to further our work with young people and elderly residents. It is important to us that the community are involved in all we do.

st-thomas-church prerebuild windmill community church.avif
Extension building work at Windmill Community Church Finchfield
Windmill Community Church Finchfield church building. Traditional sandstone church building with bell and stained glass window
Picture of Henwood Road Boys Club, Compton before work started by Windmill Community Church Compton
Ongoing internal consturction work at Henwood Road Boys Club , Compton by Windmill Community Church, Compton
External image of Windmill Community church Compton formerly Henwood Road Boys Club, Compton. 

Grey rendered outside modern building

Windmill Community Church

​​There was overwhelming support expressed for the new Community Hub at Henwood Road, Compton in a survey carried out by Windmill Community Church.


People wanted a convenient space to meet, a safe haven for activities to improve health, combat loneliness, and bring all ages together, somewhere decent for young people to meet – especially after the Covid pandemic kept communities apart. 


Following 18 months of feasibility work and help from the Church Growth Trust we obtained planning consent for extensive improvements and have entered into a 100 year lease for the former “Boys Club".


Transformation finally reaches completion at Henwood Road Compton, where the

newly refurbished building was opened on Saturday 8th July 2023.


Our thanks to everyone who has contributed , by responding to our survey, providing comments and visiting us as well as well as providing the financial contributions which are making this work possible.

Many thanks to:

Biffa Award

FCC Communities Foundation

Garfield Weston Foundation

Bernard Sunley Charitable Trust

Beatrice Laing Charitable Trust

Edgar E Lawley Foundation

Eveson Trust

The Dorothy Stone Trust

The Rowlands Trust

The Roger and Douglas Turner Charitable Trust

The James Beattie Charitable Trust

The Grimmitt Trust

The Owen Family Trust

W.E.Dunn Charitable Trust

Enovert Community Trust

Benefact Trust

Windmill Community Church Compton Cafe
Windmill Community Church  Compton Messy Church in action with biscuit decorating
Windmill Community Church Compton Gardening Club
Windmill Community Church Finchfield Service in progress
Windmill Community Church Compton Childrens Summer Club
Windmill Community Church Compton Barn Dance
Worship at Windmill Community Church Compton
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